Well.. This is the first "serious" blogg I've made. Actually I don't know why I decided to write in english, but it will be many mistakes. I guess I just was in a english mood earlier this day. I've made some blogs before, but I didn't work much with them. I'm the kind of person who fast get tired of stuff, but this time I hope I'll hold out a bit longer than I normally do.
Yesterday, I and my friends come home from a week vacation in Austira (We have winterbreak this week :D ) We left Norway at valentin's day (14.02) and we flight from Oslo to Munchen. Everything went well untill we was waiting for our luggage. My friends, who btw is named Helene, didn't get her bag. After a while someone told us that her bag was in Oslo, and she had to wait some days before she could get it. Of cours it was a disaster for her, but at least she had her skis. From that point, the most went wrong. When I think of it, it actually was pretty funny.
When we shuld pick up our rent car, we had ordered a skibox we could have on the car roof, but of cours it was way to small and we had to have the skis in the car. With tree teens in the back seat, I promis that you don't have much space. I wonder how much shit we've done in our lifes, because God didn't think that was enough for us. On top of this whole crap it was a looong queue and it tok nearly seven hours for us to get to Bad Gastein! It was terrible and I felt like a dinosaur walked over me and smashed my back, ass and legs.
We reach Bad Gastein just before the Red Bull Playstreet final! I and Helene did just run

out of the hotel and down to the play street area. Unluckly we forgot our cameras and stuff, but we had our super high tec mobiles, and tok a lot of perfect pictures. (That was irony for those who didn't understand that) We tok a picture with Patrick Hollaus, but it was a annoying light in the background, so it is really bad. Later we tok a picture with Bene Mayr, and that pic was really cute.
To be honest so didn't we know anything about the athletes, but at the moment Benedikt and Patrick was the most good looking boys there, so we did just take pictures with them :P But I kinda regret on that, because it was a lot of other guys there that I would love to have a picture of. Maybe I see them again some time.
Here is what I actually wanted to write about: How I came up with the idea of making a blog.
When I come home from this awsome vacation, I wanted to find out more about the charming Bene Mayr :P Then I found
Fabio Studer's blog. He was also in the Red Bull play street and he ended up at the 3th place (creds for that), but I didn't notice his name when I was there. Well.. I found his blog and watched some films and stuff and that did really motivate me to try freestyle skiing or whatever it is called (I'm not totaly into the names and stuff yet ) Since I have

a afraid of highs, I decided to try rails insted of jumps. I didn't have my skis, and I wasn't in the mood for going to the fun park and make a fool out of my selv for a bunch of kids from school. Then I got that brilliant ide about making a rail in my garden. Since it is unbeliable much snow in Norway at the moment, that wouldn't be too hard. I guess that it is about a meter here where I live, and thats like 50-70 cm more that usal. When I was finding my nice old moon boots and my jaket, I found out that I could write a blog about all the things I try to do.
As I wrote earlier I'm the kind of person who always find something intresting to try, but when It gets boring or to hard, I quit. That has resulted that I have tried a lot of sports, but I'm not good at much :P The only things I've been doing for a long time is skiing and ridning. I've been skiing since I was about 3 years old, and I've been rinding since I was 9 or something.
I wrote more than I planed, and I'm sure it's tonns of grammar, writing and spelling mistakes, but I hope you at least understod what I was writing about :D And btw tell me when you see serious mistakes, so I can try to not make them again. I hope you didn't waste to much time reading this blog, and maybe you will read more later.
Kisses and Hugs from Betzy <3