Now It is a long time since my last post... I'm sorry, but I've very much to do in these days... In the weekend I was on dinner with my bestfriends. We had a good time, except form one thing. I've kinda messed up, but I didn't know that until Monday. One of my friends was really pissed on me, and I apologized and every thing, but she did just say that It's not always enough with an excuse. I know what I've done, but it wasn't just me. Everyone has just as much blame as me and everyone know that. Except from the one who is mad at me. I really don't understand why she is so pissed.

I guess this was very funny for you to hear about, but I just needed to get it out.
On monday I cutted my hair. I'm both happy and unhappy with my new look. I think my hair is a little bit to short, and my fringe is kinda annoying. It could be worse and it will grow out again.

Today in our religon class, we learned about Buddismen and the whole class tried to meditate. It hurted unbelive much in my legs and it was pretty hard to just focus on one thing, but I actually felt better.
The first and second picture is from the weekend - before I cut my hair.
The third is from today when we were meditating. It is a littlebit dark, since the light was off :P Btw don't look at my face :P It's pretty ugly on all the pictures
Hug from a girl with short hair :P <3